"I gotta tell you about this chic I am after. I've been studying with her for while, and I think I really like her. I tried to tell her about my feelings one day by invited her out to come out sailing with me, she declined cause she's busy. But I already know she's busy, I just wanted to give a hint to her that I like her"...
Now, usually, this guy is very successful with women at clubs and bars. and his very direct with women, and it works for him, but this is with girl he just meet.
When he does meet a girl he really likes, the stakes are higher, but ironically, by playing it safe, he probably lowered his chances of success.
So the question is, just because you really like someone, and the stakes are higher, should you change the way you date her compared to your usually aggressive, direct way?
I don't think so...just because you like someone, you shouldn't change the way you pick them up, especially when it works for you.
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